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This is just some travel friends enjoying a relaxing sunset together from San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Activities in Nicaragua

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Why People Love Nicaragua

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Nicaragua

May 2020
We went volcano boarding on Cerro’s a pretty small volcano compared to others....we thought it would be easy. It. Was. Not The hike up was treacherous ( wear good sturdy hiking shoes ) and very hot ( until close to the top then extremely windy- which felt good but you really had to ...
Melanie L
Aug 2022
Today we've done the amazing Volcano Boarding Trip at Cerro Negro. Even though it was raining a little bit it was so worth it and super fun. While sliding down the volcano the clouds disappeared and we had a beautiful view. Thank you so much for this fun activity!
Apr 2023
A really memorable experience. Even the drive out to the site feels something like a safari tour which is a cool experience. The volcano itself and surrounding scenery are awesome, so we really enjoyed the hike up. It does get quite windy up there so don’t be ashamed to hand over your board to a ...

Frequently Asked Questions about Nicaragua

What are some must-see attractions in Nicaragua?

Nicaragua has a lot of beautiful attractions to offer. Some of the must-see attractions in Nicaragua include the Masaya Volcano, the Colonial City of Granada, the Ometepe Island, and the Corn Islands. The Masaya Volcano is an active volcano that you can visit and see the lava lake. The Colonial City of Granada is a beautiful city with colorful buildings and a rich history. The Ometepe Island is a volcanic island in Lake Nicaragua, with beautiful scenery and great hiking opportunities. The Corn Islands are two beautiful islands on the Caribbean coast, with crystal-clear water and white sandy beaches.

What activities can you do in Nicaragua?

Nicaragua has a lot of activities to offer for tourists. Some of the activities you can do in Nicaragua include hiking, surfing, volcano boarding, exploring the cloud forest, and visiting the local markets. Nicaragua has a lot of great hiking opportunities, such as climbing the Maderas Volcano on Ometepe Island or hiking in the cloud forest in the northern part of the country. Surfing is also a popular activity in Nicaragua, with great waves on the Pacific coast. Volcano boarding is a unique activity where you slide down the slope of the Cerro Negro Volcano on a board. Exploring the cloud forest in the northern part of the country is a great way to see some of the unique flora and fauna of Nicaragua. And visiting the local markets is a great way to experience the local culture and buy some souvenirs.

What are some recommended accommodations in Nicaragua?

There are a lot of great accommodations in Nicaragua, ranging from budget hostels to luxury resorts. In Granada, some of the recommended accommodations include the Hotel Plaza Colon, the Hotel Dario, and the El Convento Boutique Hotel. In San Juan del Sur, some of the recommended accommodations include the Pelican Eyes Resort and Spa, the Hotel Victoriano, and the Casa Bahia Hotel. In Leon, some of the recommended accommodations include the Hotel La Perla, the Hotel Azul, and the El Convento Hotel. And in Managua, some of the recommended accommodations include the Hotel Los Robles, the Real InterContinental Hotel, and the Hotel Contempo.

What is the best time of year to visit Nicaragua?

The best time of year to visit Nicaragua is during the dry season, which runs from December to April. During this time, the weather is dry and sunny, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The rainy season runs from May to November, and while it can still be a great time to visit, the weather can be unpredictable and some activities may be affected by the rain.

What is the food like in Nicaragua?

Nicaraguan cuisine is a mix of indigenous, Spanish, and African influences. Some of the popular dishes in Nicaragua include Gallo Pinto, a rice and beans dish, Nacatamal, a corn dough filled with meat and vegetables, and Vigoron, a dish made with yucca, pork rind, and cabbage salad. Nicaragua is also known for its coffee, which is grown in the country's highlands.

What are some safety tips for traveling to Nicaragua?

Nicaragua is generally a safe country to travel to, but there are some safety tips that tourists should keep in mind. It's recommended to avoid walking alone at night, especially in the cities. It's also recommended to avoid carrying large amounts of cash and valuables with you. And it's important to be aware of your surroundings and to stay alert, especially in crowded areas.

What is the currency in Nicaragua?

The currency in Nicaragua is the Nicaraguan Cordoba. US dollars are also widely accepted in tourist areas.

What language do they speak in Nicaragua?

The official language of Nicaragua is Spanish. English is also spoken in some tourist areas.

Do I need a visa to travel to Nicaragua?

Citizens of most countries, including the United States, do not need a visa to enter Nicaragua for tourism purposes. Visitors are granted a 90-day tourist visa upon arrival. It's important to check the visa requirements for your specific country before traveling.

What is the transportation like in Nicaragua?

The transportation in Nicaragua is generally safe and reliable. Buses are the most common form of transportation, and they run regularly between major cities. Taxis are also available in most cities, and they are usually metered. It's recommended to negotiate the price before getting into the taxi to avoid any misunderstandings.