Ca Nicola

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Ca Nicola
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Apartment Two Bedrooms

Sleeps up to 4
1 Double

Apartment One Bedroom

Sleeps up to 3
1 Double

Apartment One Bedroom

Sleeps up to 1
1 Double

About Ca Nicola

This hotel looks out onto the long beach of Estoril, a short walk from Sal Rei. The building, constructed in white stone combined with the orange shadings of the Sahara, is in complete harmony with the surroundings.The simplicity and warmth of Boaisvta come through by the choice of colours and the interior décor, made of bamboo and balau. The expertise of local artisans is enhanced with touches of Italian style and good taste. Here the advantages of staying in an apartment are doubled with the ease of staying in a hotel. After a buffet breakfast, during the day at the bar people can try sandwiches, omelettes and cocktails at sunset. And when the night comes, one can choose among the typical local restaurants but also ask for a capeverdean dinner, served at his own apartment. A chef will cook all those gourmet traditional dishes of the island. An island that will conquer your heart.

Location Map

Important Information


Check-in: After 6:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
Pets are not allowed
No smoking

Payment Methods

Accept all major debit and credit cards
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Frequently Asked Questions

What time can I check in at Ca Nicola?

The hotel room at Ca Nicola can be checked in after 6:00 PM (property's local time) on the day of arrival.

What time do I need to check out from the room at Ca Nicola?

The hotel room at Ca Nicola need to be checked out before 11:00 AM (property's local time) on the day of departure.

Are pets allowed at Ca Nicola?

Pets are not allowed at Ca Nicola.