Cape Town Hollow Boutique

Popular Amenities

Wifi InternetWiFi
Parking (With Surcharges)Parking (With Surcharges)
24-Hour Reception24-Hour Reception
Cape Town Hollow Boutique
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Twin Standard

Sleeps up to 1
1 Double, 1 Queen-size

Double Standard

Sleeps up to 2
1 Double, 1 Queen-size

Twin Mountain View

Sleeps up to 1
1 Double, 1 Queen-size

About Cape Town Hollow Boutique

The hotel is in an ideal position in the heart of Cape Town, enticing guests to explore a myriad of attractions in the city – from the vibrant nightlife and trendy downtown restaurants and bars; to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront to the breathtaking Peninsula and legendary winelands. Surrounded by a neighbourhood where cafés, galleries and museums spill onto the sidewalks and almost everyone prefers to take a walk, the Gardens suburb is like a small town community in the bowels of a bustling city.

Location Map

Important Information


Check-in: After 2:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
Min Age: 18
Pets are not allowed
No smoking

Payment Methods

Accept all major debit and credit cards
discoverCreated with Sketch.
jcbCreated with Sketch.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time can I check in at Cape Town Hollow Boutique?

The hotel room at Cape Town Hollow Boutique can be checked in after 2:00 PM (property's local time) on the day of arrival.

What time do I need to check out from the room at Cape Town Hollow Boutique?

The hotel room at Cape Town Hollow Boutique need to be checked out before 11:00 AM (property's local time) on the day of departure.

Are pets allowed at Cape Town Hollow Boutique?

Pets are not allowed at Cape Town Hollow Boutique.