Ms Chipichape Superior

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Wifi InternetWiFi
Free ParkingFree Parking
24-Hour Reception24-Hour Reception
Ms Chipichape Superior
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Over The Planet

Double Or Twin Superior

Sleeps up to 3
Over The Planet

Room Standard

Sleeps up to 10
Over The Planet

Double Superior

Sleeps up to 4

About Ms Chipichape Superior

This attractive hotel boasts a prime setting in Cali. The hotel lies close to the Chipichape Shopping Centre, where guests can indulge in a spot of retail therapy. The hotel is located just a short distance away from La Flora Park, Cali Tower, Las Tres Cruces Hill and La Ermita Church. This wonderful hotel offers visitors a great setting from which to explore the area. Guests are greeted with warm hospitality and excellent service. The guest rooms are designed in a striking style, featuring crisp-white tones, complemented by energetic splashes of colour. Guests are invited to enjoy delectable dining in the restaurant. The hotel also features a business centre, for the convenience of those travelling for work purposes. Guests will appreciate the hotel's many facilities and services, which have been designed with comfort and convenience in mind.

Location Map

Important Information


Pets are not allowed
No smoking

Payment Methods

Accept all major debit and credit cards
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Due to the pandemic, many accommodation and service providers may implement processes and policies to help protect the safety of all of us. This may result in the unavailability or changes in certain services and amenities that are normally available from them.More info here

Frequently Asked Questions

Are pets allowed at Ms Chipichape Superior?

Pets are not allowed at Ms Chipichape Superior.