Selina Atitlan

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24-Hour Reception24-Hour Reception
Selina Atitlan
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Bed In Dormitory Capacity 8

30 sqm
Sleeps up to 1
1 Bunk beds

Twin Standard

30 sqm
Sleeps up to 4
2 Single

Quadruple Standard

31 sqm
Sleeps up to 4
2 Single, 1 Bunk beds

About Selina Atitlan

If you didn't have Pana on your bucket list, trust us when we say you do now, and you'll never want to leave. The comfortable Selina is surrounded by crisp blue, inviting waters and a colorful culture. You'll feel right at home in Panajachel (Pana) located right on the shores of Lake Atitlan. A haven for hippies and bohemian culture, you'll be amazed at the rich history and awe inspiring volcanic views. Start your day with a kayak around the lake before shopping for souvenirs in Panajachel's vibrant street market. Enjoy one of some of the best sunsets in the world or spend some quality time in a traditional Temescal sweat lodge It's the perfect mix of expat, traveller, and Mayan culture.

Location Map

Important Information


Check-in: After 3:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
Pets are not allowed
No smoking

Payment Methods

Accept all major debit and credit cards
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Due to the pandemic, accommodation and service providers may implement processes and policies to help protect the safety of all of us. This may result in the unavailability or changes in certain services and amenities that are normally available from them.More info click here

Frequently Asked Questions

What time can I check in at Selina Atitlan?

The hotel room at Selina Atitlan can be checked in after 3:00 PM (property's local time) on the day of arrival.

What time do I need to check out from the room at Selina Atitlan?

The hotel room at Selina Atitlan need to be checked out before 11:00 AM (property's local time) on the day of departure.

Are pets allowed at Selina Atitlan?

Pets are not allowed at Selina Atitlan.