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Hotels & Accommodations in Cochabamba, Bolivia

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Why People Love Cochabamba, Bolivia

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Cochabamba, Bolivia

May 2023
Very nice activity, we will have to take an other class to paint (you will need to plan accordingly) but we really had a good time and I enjoyed learning with the weel. I recommend to everyone in Cochabamba:)
Nov 2022
Work at your own pace with great instruction. Teacher speaks very good English as well as her native Spanish. Bring home something special from Bolivia ... something made by your own hands.
luca s
Oct 2023
Sehr freundlich spannend und gut, wir werden wiederkommem. Auch geeignet ohne vorkentnisse. Nicht verwechseln mit casa ceramica wir waren zuerst dort, unser fehler

Frequently Asked Questions about Cochabamba

What are some popular activities to do in Cochabamba?

Cochabamba is a city full of cultural and historical activities. Some popular activities include visiting the Palacio Portales, a historic mansion turned museum, exploring the Convento de Santa Teresa, a colonial-era convent, and hiking up to the Cristo de la Concordia, a towering statue of Christ that overlooks the city. For a more adventurous experience, visitors can also book a paragliding or mountain biking tour.

What are some must-see attractions in Cochabamba?

In addition to its cultural and historical sites, Cochabamba is known for its natural attractions. The Tunari National Park, just outside the city, offers stunning views of the Andes mountains and is a popular spot for hiking and birdwatching. The Laguna Angostura, a scenic lake surrounded by mountains, is another must-see attraction in the area. For a taste of local life, visitors can also explore the Feria de la Cancha, a bustling outdoor market where vendors sell everything from fresh produce to handcrafted goods.

What are some good places to stay in Cochabamba?

Cochabamba has a variety of accommodations to suit different budgets and preferences. For a luxurious stay, the Hotel Camino Plaza is a popular choice, with an outdoor pool, spa, and on-site restaurant. The La Tua Casa Hotel Boutique is a more affordable option, with stylish rooms and a rooftop terrace with city views. Backpackers can opt for the Hostal Versalles, a centrally located hostel with dormitory-style rooms and a communal kitchen.

What is the weather like in Cochabamba?

Cochabamba has a subtropical highland climate, with mild temperatures year-round. The average daily temperature ranges from about 18 to 22 degrees Celsius, with cooler temperatures at night. The city is known for its sunny days, with an average of over 300 days of sunshine per year.

What is the local cuisine in Cochabamba?

Cochabamba is known for its hearty, flavorful cuisine. Some popular dishes include pique a lo macho, a spicy meat and vegetable dish, silpancho, a breaded beef dish, and chicharron, a crispy pork dish. For a sweet treat, visitors can try the cuap, a cheese bread made with yuca flour. To sample a variety of local dishes, head to the Mercado Central, a bustling food market in the city center.

What is the best time of year to visit Cochabamba?

The best time to visit Cochabamba is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During this time, the weather is mild and sunny, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The wet season, from November to April, can bring heavy rain and occasional flooding, but it is also a great time to see the lush greenery and blooming flowers in the area.

What is the local transportation like in Cochabamba?

Cochabamba has a variety of transportation options, including buses, taxis, and trufis, which are shared taxis. Buses are the most affordable option, with fares ranging from 1 to 3 Bolivianos. Taxis are more expensive, with fares starting at around 10 Bolivianos. Trufis are a good option for short trips within the city, and fares are typically around 2 Bolivianos per person. For a more adventurous experience, visitors can also rent a bicycle or motorbike to explore the city and surrounding areas.

What are some off-the-beaten-path attractions in Cochabamba?

For a unique and off-the-beaten-path experience, visitors can head to Tarata, a small town located about 70 kilometers from Cochabamba. Here, you can explore the colonial-era architecture, visit a local cheese factory, and sample some of the town's famous empanadas. Another off-the-beaten-path attraction is the Incachaca Archaeological Site, a pre-Columbian ruin located in the nearby town of Quillacollo.

What are some family-friendly activities to do in Cochabamba?

Cochabamba has a variety of activities that are fun for the whole family. The Cretaceous Park is a popular destination, with life-size dinosaur models and a playground. The Simn I. Patio Cultural Center is another family-friendly attraction, with a variety of exhibits and activities, including art classes and movie screenings. For a fun and educational experience, visitors can also check out the Interactive Museum of Science, which features hands-on exhibits and demonstrations.

What are some safety tips for traveling to Cochabamba?

Like any city, Cochabamba has its share of safety concerns. Visitors should take precautions to protect themselves and their belongings, such as avoiding walking alone at night, keeping valuables out of sight, and being aware of their surroundings. It's also a good idea to carry a copy of your passport and any important documents, and to keep emergency contact information handy. Overall, Cochabamba is a relatively safe city for travelers, but it's always best to err on the side of caution.